

Lizard i Phoe - Fuy Joke

    Oce upo a ime, here was a ma who was very clumsy. He always dropped his phoe ad scrached i, so he decided o buy a case o proec his phoe.

    The ex day, he bough a case ad pu his phoe io i. However, whe he ook he phoe ou of he case, he foud a lizard iside!

    The ma was very surprised ad immediaely ook he phoe o he sore o reur i. The salesma was very surprised oo ad asked he ma how he lizard go io he case.

    The ma explaied ha he had dropped his phoe so may imes ha he hough i would be beer o pu i i a case o proec i. The salesma he asked he ma if he had checked he case before puig his phoe io i.

    The ma said ha he had o ad he salesma he poied ou ha he case was o sealed properly ad ha he lizard probably crawled io i whe i was o he shelf.

    The ma was very embarrassed ad reured he case ad phoe. He he decided o buy a ew case ha was properly sealed o preve ay more aimals from geig io i!
